Fashionably climbing the corporate ladder

August 4, 2010

By the Water

Man... yesterday was so PERFECT...

This necklace gets SO many compliments! Now I see why, it's  gorgeous!!! Oooh Lala!
I cut my toe REALLY bad at some point on these rocks! I can't wear heels for a while it hurts so bad!

Every time I go outside I get about TEN shades darker! I do love the toasty golden look though!

I am going to miss my dog, I will miss the guy... But you can't always have a perfect day.. sad to report I am now single :(... heartbreak is something. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Shirt: Love Culture
Pants: The Limited
Shoes: Kismet
Necklace & Bracelet: unknown... from K&G in Cincinnati
Watch: Mall Kiosk


  1. I know the feeling..been there, done that, got the postcard.. It'll be okay, all it means is he wasnt ready for you and this situation just opened the door for someone else. Sleep well tonight! Look beautiful in the morning!

  2. wow...I needed to hear this...thank you soooo much! And don't stops for no man lol!

  3. If there's one thing I know about goes on. Your heart will mend and perhaps sooner than you know. In the meantime, dress up, smile a lot and treat yourself well. Those pants are so crispy clean! Are they linen?

  4. yes...I know I will heal...don't lnow when or how. But I know I can do it...thank you for the words of wisdom and yes the pants are LINEN!


~PoisedNPolished Entourage~

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I love clothes... all kinds. My style is pretty classy with a touch of whatever I choose for the day! The motto "dress to impress" should be mentioned at my funeral... I live by it! After all you never know who's watching and what kind of impression you will leave on their life forever.